In February 2016 l contracted Glandular Fever. Although l felt extremely tired all the time l was constantly overriding my symptoms and pushing myself hard mainly to take care of others. Until on August 7th l came down with a severe UTI which would not go away in spite of the various antibiotics l was taking.
The fatigue on the other hand was getting worse and worse until I could not function at all.
I was totally housebound for 18 months. I could hardly stand on my legs. During that time I rested, followed special diets and took lots of supplements. The improvement in my condition was negligible.
All of this changed after we’d found out about Saul Levitt, a young man who’d recovered from CFS through this therapy and was now helping others.
I became one of his clients. And not an easy one at that. His approach was so different to everything l’d heard before and l had a lot to ‘unlearn’.
Up to this point my whole focus had been on the physical aspect of the illness giving each symptom a lot of attention and ‘respect’, pacing every step I took, going to rest at the slightest sign of fatigue etc
During my first Skype meeting with Saul he asked what l would have liked to do had l been well, to which l answered that l’d love to go on holiday and sit in the sun. To which he answered, well why not? What’s stopping you? I thought he was nuts and that he obviously had no idea of what a poor condition I was in.
Six weeks later we sat on a plane on our way to a dream vacation!!! Quite apprehensive to begin with, yet more relaxed with each day.
The following questions became my constant companions:
- is anyone taking advantage of me?
- am l speaking my truth?
- am l putting my own needs first?
These were strange concepts to me and it took me some time to grow in to them. Saul was there throughout, encouraging me, giving me confidence, believing in the process and in me, virtually holding my hand as l took my first hesitant steps back in to the world of the living.
Since then I have improved consistently even though I have gone through major life changes like losing my mum and emigrating to a foreign country in the past year or two.
I will forever be grateful to Saul.
Thank you for your patience and for not giving up on me. You’re the Best.

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